Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book 26

Book 26 was Spellbinder, by Melanie Rawn. Rawn is one of my favorite authors-I consider her a "reliable", an author who's new book I will buy in hardcover since I know it's 90% likely I will enjoy the book. And with this one, I did.

Spellbinder is a departure for Rawn-it's a paranormal romance, when she normally writes epic fantasy. This was probably one of the best paranormals I have ever read. The magic system made sense, no one was over powered (a big failing in a lot of paranormals), and the romance wasn't forced or unrealistic. 

The story follows Holly, a writer and a spellbinder-a spellbinder is a witch who's blood means that any spell cast using it will work. She ends up getting together with a cop, Evan, who is her first real boyfriend in years. They end up battling an evil coven, and all is well in the end. 

Melanie Rawn

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