Monday, March 31, 2008

Book 52

I am the worst book blogger ever. I went on a crazy reading run, and then watched season 1 & 2 of Gilmore Girls. Because of these two things, I haven't updated anything in forever. 

So, book 52 was Beauty by Robin McKinley. If I ever have a daughter, I will giver her every book written by Robing McKinley to use as a guide to how to be a kick ass female. Seriously.

If you couldn't tell, this was a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I am a sucker for redone fairy tales, so this was a keeper for me. It was a quick read-Beauty was YA. It follows the basic Beauty and the Beast premise, only the heroine isn't really a beauty, just the bearer of an unfortunate nickname. The story moved quickly, and the prose was quite lovely.

Robin McKinley

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