Monday, March 17, 2008

Books 50 & 51

50 and 51 are the first two in a YA fantasy series of four books-Alanna and In the Hand of the Goddess, by Tamora Pierce, from the Song of the Lioness. 

I enjoyed both books-they concern Alanna, a young mage born noble who doesn't want to go to a convent school to learn magic. She wants to go to Court and learn to be a knight. With her twin brother's aid, she assumes the name Alan and goes to Court in her brother's place. These two books take her from her start at court to her eventual knighthood.  She deals with various obstacles along the way-bullies, being the smallest and weakest page and squire, hiding being a girl, her first crush and learning to deal with her magic.

I liked the books. The world was engrossing, and following Alanna's struggles was fun. It was a bit mature for some YA audiences-Alanna does have an ongoing sexual relationship during the second book. The whole sex part was very tame and mild, and I thought it was a nice touch of realism in the story. 

My main problem was pacing-the book skipped lots of time, moving over a year in the space of a chapter. I also got annoyed by the perspective-it was third person, told mainly from Alanna's POV, but there was some skipping, and it was often done within a paragraph, which caused some confusion here and there.

In the Hand of the Goddess
Tamora Pierce

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